Since its inception 13 years ago, Profsummit has hosted thousands of professionals and students across the nation and moulded them into ideal citizens of the nation. They serve and work among the society across the breadth and length of the country and beyond. The inherent values unique to Profsummit including those of service and commitment to societal causes inspire them throughout their life and they also play a vital role in organization and smooth execution of all Profsummit to date.

The Alumni consist of Scientist, Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers etc who work in some of the highest positions of authority and expertise. They also come together to arrange different training, events and programs for the students and junior professionals. Their selfless service in different forms of campaigns, medical camps, surveys are hope to many down-stricken communities in different parts of the country. The scholarship and financial assistance to needy students are provided in prompt manner, and crores of rupees have already been spent in light of this issue.

Presently, the Alumni organisation works in the cadre system, with a central committee of 15 members leading the whole operation. We have the sub-committees in district level and under it operates the whole network of Campus Alumni teams. This robust system of organisation helps for smooth operation of the events and programs alike.

Some of functioning of Profsummit Alumni includes:
Contact details: +91 81298 81730